San Francisco by San Franciscans

L'exposition intéractive I am. And you? a été l'opportunité de partager une variété de perceptions. Plusieurs interviews ont été montrées à la galerie Z Space sous forme d'installations participative lors du vernissage. Chaque San Franciscain interviewé a accépté de répondre à deux questions exactement similaires à propos de San Francisco et sa vie là-bas.

The interactive Art exhibition I am. And you? was the opportunity to share a variety of perceptions. Several interviews where displayed in Z Space's gallery during the opening night as a participatory installation. Every San Franciscan you meet in the video agreed to unswer the exact two questions about San Francisco and their life in it.

San Francisco by San Franciscans              - in "I am. And you?"

I am. And you? is an art and social event that will take place in the Z Space bar / gallery in July. Through visual art, interviews, interactive installation and quotes, visitors are invited to explore a myriad of point of views and perceptions, and examine their own views if they so choose. I Am. And You? offers the visitor the time and space to interact with art and reflect on their own perceptions. Each work featured in this exhibition is also a tool.. A tool that brings us together, shows us how we uniquely percieve the world, and teaches us how we are alike.. and so different.



Du 3 mai au 21 mai, exposition "Présences" à Dakar, un Off de la Biennale Dakart 2016.


Lieux d'exposition :

ALF Leymoon's, AFORS, et Hôtel Océanic


Evénement facebook :

C'est là !



Détails :

Commissaire d'exposition :

Melle Domitille Bertrand, Fondatrice de Because Art Is et We are. And you.


Production, Organisation :

Develop'on et Mme Amal Fawaz, Hôtel Océanic de Dakar.


Haut parrainage de :

Mr Ousseynou Wade, ancien Secrétaire Général de la Biennale.

Mr Kalidou Kassé, Artiste plasticien, Président de l'association Internationale des Arts Plastiques.

Mr Massamba Mbay, Commissaire d'exposition


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#weareandyou #iamandyou © We are. And you?